Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nature of Management

Nature means the essential characteristics or qualities by which something is recognized. Nature of management simply can be described as a goal oriented continuous and universal social process. Management is viewed as an integrative force to bring together the factors of production and get the result done. Management is some times viewed as an Art as well Science to.

The nature of Management could be described as following points:-

1). Management is a process:- Management involves happening of a series of interrelated managerial functions/activities that simply means that it is a process.

2). Management is a continuous process:- Management is a continuous process since it exists every time during the life of the organization- Organizational Life Cycle. Continuous existence of this process is necessary for the survival of the organization and fulfillment of its objectives. Actually this is the management process which brings new energy into organization, and prevents the organization from natural process of decline- Entropy.

3). Management is a social process:- Organizations are social units and use group effort to achieve some goals. Management is a social process because some how it is related with the relationship of employees, teams. Most of the time a manager deals with the emotional aspects and team building aspects of a team to get the desired results and thus management today is no more mechanical process and employees are no more treated as machines in modern organizations.

4).Management is goal oriented:-  Management is a goal oriented process/activity because it is aimed at the accomplishment of organizational goals. Organizational goals( Providing any service or Product to the society or economy) are the reason for which an organisation and its management exist. So management is a goal oriented process

5).Management is an integrative force: Management is the force who bring together all factors of production, resources and makes it possible to accomplishment of organizational goals. Organization is a social unit in which  people from different background, culture and having different personalities, motivation,interest and career objective work together. Management also integrates individual goals and organizational goals that means it creates a balance and reconciliation of individual employee's inspiration and organisational intent/purpose.

6). Management is multidisciplinary :- Management as an area of study and subject makes use of concepts and theories from other subjects or disciplines. It uses psychology to understand the employees behavior, makes use of sociology to understand group processes, uses anthropology to describe and change  the culture of organization, applies mathematical models to predict the future

7). Management is an applied discipline:- Management as a discipline and area of study provides solutions to the fulfillment of increasing needs of society within the limited resources. In this sense it is applied in nature

8). Management is an Art as well as science:-Management is an art because it makes use of personal skills, experience, creativity,mastery in getting any thing done in varying situations. It may not involve systematic thinking and planning and then doing any work because most  often situations before managers are unpredictable, challenging and they need to use their own insight, experience, creativity and skill to get the thing done. Some scholars say management an art because it is related with doing or practicing.
Management is a science in the sense it involves systematic planning and doing, based on logical and rational exercises. Management as a science makes use of principles, theories,scientific method to understand and solve the problem. Management as an art and science are complementary to each other.

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